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房間 Rooms



  • ***我們沒有國旅配合,無法刷國旅卡***

  • 1.入住時間下午15:00-18:30,退房時間為隔天早上11:00。

  • 2.房型依旅舍安排為主,若有特殊需求,請於訂房時提前告知,以利作業。        

  • 3.加人費:雙人房為雙人入住,如超出人數不加床情況,未滿6歲免費,6歲到12歲每人300元(需私訊詢問),加床每床600元,僅有海洋房型可加床,不接受未告知超出人數入住。

  • 4.平假日定義:平日為週日至週四、假日為週五至週六及國定假期含前夕(依飯店年度公告行事曆為主)。

  • 5.訂房條款:預訂的訂金及取消條款,可能依照不同的專案有所變動,下訂前請詳閱。

  • 6.只有一間二樓的雙人房有開放,


    1.不吠叫 2.不上床 3.不在房間便溺 4.公共空間需牽繩





  • 7.另外以下幾點可能需要事前先注意




    d.CHECKIN 時間為15:00-19:00 如果會超出時間請提前告知,超過入住當天上班時間入住並且沒有事先匯款恕無法入住且無法退費。

  • e.海洋房型因臨馬路早晨多少會有馬路的噪音,如果對聲音非常敏感的朋友請考慮一下喔。

reservation notice

  1. Check-in time is 15:00-18:30 and check-out time is 11:00. If you have any special requests, please inform the hotel in advance to facilitate the procedure. Please be noted that the request may not be fulfilled upon the situation. 

  2. If you miss the check-in time and you do not pay in advance, you will not be able to check-in and cannot refund.

  3. Because the hotel is close to the mountains, there are occasional mosquitoes. If you are very concerned about friends, please do not order!

  4. Additional guest fee: Additional bed will be charged, additional bed is subject to NT$600 (including additional bed and supplies). 

  5. Definition of Holiday: Weekdays are from Sunday to Thursday; weekend days are Friday, Saturday and consecutive holidays which including the eve of the consecutive holidays (Base on the Announced Annual Calendar of the Hostel).

  6. Deposit: the deposit and cancellation policy may change depending on the booking policy of each order, please read carefully.

  7. The ocean room type will have some road noise in the morning due to the road. If you are very sensitive to the sound, please consider it.




We hope to provide a comfortable space for you can to enjoy the fishing port. We offer several room-type that have a deep connection with the landscape of this fishing port. It also offers a great shared kitchen and a rooftop viewing platform. We hope you can have a very relaxing day here, and sincere hope that more beautiful things can happen here.

房間均備有 50吋電視、冷暖氣、免治馬桶、藍芽音響、負離子大風量吹風機、高級床被組、毛巾備品、茶籽堂洗沐用品,住宿的旅客也可以享用本館一樓的共享廚房與頂樓觀景平台,本旅宿不提供現煮早餐,但廚房裡備有雞蛋、自製吐司、各式果醬、麥片、牛奶與咖啡機,讓您可以為您的朋友或家人煮一頓美好的早餐喔!
The rooms are equipped with 50-inch TV, air-conditioning, toilet treatment, Bluetooth soundbar, high-grade bed set, towel preparation, Taiwanese brand washing facilities. Guests staying in the hotel can also enjoy the shared kitchen on the 1st floor and viewing platform on the top floor. We do not offer freshly cooked breakfast, but the kitchen is stocked with eggs, homemade toast, a variety of jams, cereals, milk, and coffee machines, so you can have a good breakfast for your friends or family!


On 3rd Floor



On 4th Floor



On 2nd and 3rd Floor


寵物入住會酌收300元清潔費 並請遵守以下規定

1.不吠叫 2.不上床 3.不在房間便溺 4.公共空間需牽繩


“SPANGLE” - THE OCEANSIDE ROOM with private terrace

On 4th Floor





  • 1.住宿日4天前得退還全額金額扣除手續費用100元

  • 2.住宿日4天內則訂金將沒收不予退還。        

  • 3.入住當日若遇旅舍所在地或旅客出發地,發生不可抗力之天然災害,如地震導致交通中斷或中央氣象局發佈颱風警報而取消訂房,已支付之訂金可保留三個月或扣除作業費500元後,辦理退款。   

standard cancellation policy

The time applied here will be Taiwan Standard Time of GMT+08:00 used in Taiwan.

  1. If canceled up to 4 days before date of arrival, 100% deposit minus handing fee 100NTD will be refunded.

  2. If canceled or no show 4 days after the date of arrival, 100% of the deposit will be charged.

  3. On the arrival date, if hotel location or guest’s departure is influenced by a natural disaster, for example, traffic disruption or Typhoon warning by Central Weather Bureau, resulting in necessary cancellation, the prepaid deposit can be reserved for 3 months or can be refunded fully after deducting necessary costs (500NTD).